Mapping and programming by Mikkel Nørtoft. The technical functionalities of the timemap have been made with the generous help of Lê Nguyên Phương Thanh. The timebar is Jonathan Skeate’s Leaflet.timeline.
Comments The interactive map is one of the outcomes of Thomas Olander’s research project “The Homeland: In the footprints of the early Indo-Europeans” (2015–2018), funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. The Homeland project is based at the Roots of Europe Centre, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. Each coloured dot on this map is an ancient individual sampled for DNA (1769 individuals in total from 42 scientific papers). The duration of a dot's presence on the map does NOT reflect the lifetime of an individual, but reflects only the estimated date of the individual's death/burial (from C14-dating or context/stratigraphy). The same goes for wheels and wool/animal bones. Most dates are estimated within a few hundred years (C14), while some (context/stratigraphy) are more broadly estimated. Therefore, some icons/dots on the map with long duration reflect a very broad dating, and their presence on the map should not be taken literally. Click each feature for additional information and references. Many C14 dates have not been corrected for reservoir effect and might be a few hundred years too early, which is why they sometimes predate the time period of their associated culture areas (see below). The DNA data is collected from supplementary info and tables from various peer-reviewed articles (see bottom of this page). Most of the European Bronze Age wool is extracted and modified (given absolute dates from their reported relative dates) from the CinBA project, and the rest (including all zooarchaeological indications of wool, as well as wheel data) has been mapped manually by Mikkel Nørtoft from various articles. The DNA layer of this map focuses on prehistoric migrations. Therefore, change in population ancestry in a region caused by intrusive individuals is weighted higher when determining the colour of a dot, although some local ancestry is retained. For example, most Bell Beaker individuals of Europe retain both some of the region's earlier hunter-gatherer and Anatolian/European Farmer ancestry (c. 50% total), but their steppe ancestry (c. 50%) which is intrusive to the region, along with the steppe ancestry in Corded Ware individuals (c. 75% steppe) in Europe, determines their colour as red. The same goes for intrusive Anatolian farmer ancestry in the early Neolithic period of Europe, which is yellow (farmer), although it retains some local hunter-gatherer ancestry, because the farmers are intrusive to Europe. Special cases of resurgence of local ancestry after arrival of foreigners can differ from this rule, and will usually feature a special comment about this. Outlier individuals in a given population have often been given the colour corresponding to their most probable origin to highlight multiethnicity. But in any case, the user should study the referenced scientific literature and not rely on this map alone. It should be understood that most of the individuals on this map have various mixes of ancestry, although they are only portrayed by one colour. Also, lack of data (DNA, wool or wheels) is not evidence that these things were not present in a region, only that they have not been preserved and/or excavated and published. The burial and soil conditions in Bronze Age Denmark, for example, are extraordinarily effective for preserving wool. That is why most of the wool from 1500-1100 BCE clusters around Denmark. On the other hand, these circumstances are bad for preserving DNA, which is why DNA evidence is scarce in Denmark (so far).
A note on the Cultures layer:
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